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Mary Neely is an award-winning Midwest photographer. Mary’s been taking photographs nearly her entire life, starting with a box camera as a child.  She sees beauty all around her in light, textures, and shape, and tries to share it through her photography.


She’s exhibited in several galleries in Illinois and Wisconsin, and has works in private collections in New York, Santa Fe, Florida, Michigan, and Kansas. Mary has given presentations and lectures on representational and abstract photography to the Art Institute of Chicago Community Associates and to the Lake County Art League, and  taught digital photography classes at the Jack Benny Center for the Arts.


She’s a former vice-president of the Lake County Art League, and a member of Dandelion Gallery, the Waukegan Arts Council,  Chicago Alliance of Visual Artists, Robert Wright Gallery,   Blue Moon Gallery, the Muses of Mirth, and  National Women's Caucus for Arts.

She exhibits each month at the Dandelion Gallery in Waukegan, Illinois, and at other area venues during the year.

See more samples of her work here:



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